


时间:2024-10-12   点击数:














1. 林木高通量精准表型平台研发,中国林业科学研究院林木遗传育种全国重点实验室开放课题,2024.10-2026.10,主持;

2. 多源遥感在植物生长及环境监测中的应用,中国科学院院长基金,2020.10-2023.10,80万,主持;

3. 基于无人机的公路绿化带植物长势监测方法研究,中国博士后科学基金,2019.05-2020.05,主持;

4. 近地目标探测雷达强杂波环境下的目标检测方法研究,近地面探测与遥感技术重点实验室开放课题,2020.01-2021.01,主持;

5. 基于无人机的公路中央绿化带防眩高度的定量化评估,中华人民共和国交通运输部储备项目,2019.01-2020.01,主持;

6. 山东沿海客船“零事故”工程研究,中华人民共和国山东海事局科技项目,2018.10-2020.10,主持;

7. 基于旋翼无人机平台的作物冠层表型特征与光截获的定量化与评估,国家自然基金,2018.01-2021.01,参与;

8. 重大水上交通事故智能防控技术与装备,国家重点研发计划,2019.07-2020.07,参与。


1. Duan T, S.C. Chapman, E. Holland, G.J. Rebetzke, Guo Y and Zheng B. Dynamic quantification of canopy structure to characterise early plant vigour in wheat genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(15): 4523-4534.

2. Duan T, S. Chapman, Guo Y and Zheng B. Dynamic monitoring of NDVI in wheat agronomy and breeding trials using an unmanned aerial vehicle. Field Crops Research, 2017, 210(1): 71-80.

3.Duan T, Zheng B, Guo W, Ninomiya S, Guo Y and, S. Chapman. Comparison of ground cover estimates from experiment plots in cotton, sorghum and sugarcane based on images and ortho-mosaics captured by UAV. Functional Plant Biology,2017, 44(1): 169-184.

4.Li M, Zheng BY, He D, Guo Y, Wang YS, Hu PC and Duan T*. Quantification of the Cumulative Shading Capacity in a Maize–Soybean Intercropping System Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Plant Phenomics, 2023, 5:1-16.

5.Mian Chen, Bin Yang, Feng Wang, Yan Guo, and Tao Duan*. Classification and change monitoring of high-resolution mining area ground features based on BMS network. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2023.

6.Ye Yu, Mo Huang, Tao Duan*. A new BDS-2 satellite clock bias prediction algorithm with an improved exponential smoothing method[J]. Applied Sciences,2020,10(21):7456-7479.

7.Ye Yu, Mo Huang, Tao Duan*. Enhancing satellite clock bias prediction accuracy in the case of jumps with an improved grey model. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol 2020, Article ID 8186568, 11 pages, 2020.

8.Chen Y, Huang M, Zhang Y, Wang C, Duan T*, An analytical method for dynamic wave-related errors of interferometric SAR ocean altimetry under multiple sea states. Remote Sensing. 2021, (5):986.

9.Yang, B, Huang, M, Xie, Y, Wang, CY, Rong, YJ, Huang, HH, Duan, T*. Classification method of uniform circular array radar ground clutter data based on chaotic genetic algorithm. Sensors, 2021, 21(13).

10.Fusang Liu, Pengcheng Hu, Bangyou Zheng, Tao Duan, Binglin Zhu and Yan Guo. A field-based high-throughput method for acquiring canopy architecture using unmanned aerial vehicle images. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020.

11.Hu P, S.C. Chapman, Wang X, A Potgieter, Duan T, D Jordan, Guo Y and Zheng B. 2018. Estimation of plant height using a high throughput phenotyping platform based on unmanned aerial vehicle and self-calibration: example for sorghum breeding. European Journal of Agronomy,2018, 2(95): 24-32.

12.Yao Chen, Tao Duan, Changyuan Wang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Mo Huang. End-to-End Ship Detection in SAR Images for Complex Scenes based on Deep CNNs. Journal of Sensors, 2021.

13.段涛, 侯彤瑜, 郭焱, 杨宇虹, 马韫韬, 徐照丽*. 基于三维坐标数据的烟草植株叶曲线拟合研究.中国烟草学报, 2015, 13(6): 27-33.

14.杨斌, 黄默, 王长元, 张圆圆, 段涛*. X波段小擦地角海杂波WW分布建模. 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报, 2021, 5(19).

15.于烨,黄默,段涛*,胡锐. 粒子群优化加权灰色回归组合的卫星钟差预报.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2020,52(10):144-151+182.


1. 基于无人机的公路路域绿植养护决策支持系统, 中国发明专利

2. 一种基于贝叶斯网络的船舶碰撞事故等级预测方法与系统,中国发明专利

3. 一种绿化带防眩效果评估方法及装置,中国发明专利



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